Our first event was a resounding success! We saw 28 items, fixed 64% of them and put plans in place for the rest. Only one item was a write-off.

First Iver Repair Café - 5th October

Our first event was held at St Leonard's Hall on the 5th October 2024. We saw a great selection of items, from school blasers to printers, a mobile phone battery swap, a lamp and so many more of your items.

18 people brought 28 items in for us to look at, of which we fixed 18 (64%). 4 more needed a spare or a tool that we didn't have but were able to advise on, 2 mantle clocks were referred to a clock repair service and 3 more items required further investigation. We were only unable to make a plan for one item - a DAB radio - the lights came on, but there was no one home :(

These figures are approximate as we actually ran out of forms and there are some items that didn't get recorded! We are now working on a better way to keep records so this doesn't happen again!

As well as those bringing items in, we had a lot of interested members of the community coming in to see what we're all about and to wish us well. Amongst them no less than 3 Parish Councillors, 3 Reverands (one of whom volunteered her skills at sewing), Representatives from Richings Park Residents Association, Our local Neighborhood Watch Coordinator and other members of the public.

We raised enough in funds to cover our costs and a little extra which will go towards running costs, and maybe the set of circlip pliers that we were missing for one of the repairs.

We would especially like to thank Deborah from the local Rescued and Shared food rescue team for providing us with tea, coffee and pastries.

We would also like to thank the members of Black Park Shed who generously volunteered their time to come and help fix things (and eat the pastries).

Personally I would like to give a huge thank you to the other volunteers and organisers, some of whom had never been to a Repair Café before, let alone organised or volunteered at one! You've all done a fantastic job and I'm looking forward to seeing you all again at our next event on the 16th November at St Leonard's Church Hall from 10am to 2pm.

If you would like to book a repair slot, you can do so in the side bar of our website.

5th October 2024 - First Iver Repair Café